The future is called cloud POS system

There are now many cloud cash register systems - and this brings further advantages for companies. But what about data security?

Who hasn't experienced this: a photo is taken on the smartphone and suddenly it automatically ends up in the cloud. Or a double click on the cloud and the data is updated on your computer. The cloud icon on the screen has already become a familiar tool. What many no longer have in mind: The data is no longer stored locally on your end device, but migrates to the data cloud. But where exactly is the data located? Your data reaches a physical data centre via the data highways on the internet. There they are stored on servers and very strictly monitored. There are already over 7000 data centres worldwide, with the highest density of centres in Europe being in the UK. Paymash exclusively stores all data of the cloud POS systems in Switzerland.

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Advantages with the cloud

Nowadays, businesses need to remain mobile and flexible. In order for POS system providers to keep pace with this development, a cloud connection is essential.  Modern mobile cash register systems, which also include our POS cash register system Paymash app, have several advantages over stationary cash registers:

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  •         Access anytime and anywhere: The cloud allows access to the POS system directly via an internet browser. With Paymash, for example, you can log into the admin area at any time and view and edit all sales and product data.

  •         Flexible use and independent of specific hardware: The best cloud POS systems are autonomous with respect to operating systems and platforms. As a rule, you do not need any prefabricated reference hardware from POS system manufacturers, but can use commercially available tablets or smartphones.

  •         Advantage through higher mobility: Because the cloud POS systems run in an app on mobile devices, you can also use such a system at an event in the great outdoors. All you need is a mobile internet hotspot. The practical thing about cloud POS systems is that you can also continue to work offline. The device saves all relevant processes locally and sends the data to the cloud as soon as your devices are connected to the internet again.

  •         Always up to date: Additional advantages result from regular software updates. Manufacturers of cloud cash register systems can update their software at any time and thus roll out improvements and functions. This is not so easy with a traditional cash register.

The advantages mentioned are relevant for small start-ups as well as established businesses. However, each system also offers certain disadvantages - such as data security.

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How does a cloud POS system actually work in practice?

The cloud is an online file storage system. Users can store or add files to the online database via the internet. In addition, files can be shared on a cloud, as well as imported and exported. Our Paymash POS system app is based on a cloud solution. As soon as the app is connected to the internet, it synchronises all data in the cloud. You can then access this via login on our homepage. The data in the cloud is exchanged automatically. This means that if you adjust the products in the administration area, the changes are automatically displayed in the POS system app. The same principle applies to the automatic inventory between the cloud and the online shop.


No compromise on data security

When the word cloud is mentioned, the topic of data security is always relevant. Since you store your data online, a hacker attack by third parties is theoretically conceivable. Your collected data (sales, invoices, customer data) are not only stored locally on your end device, but also reach the cloud via the internet. Malware could therefore make it possible to gain access to your data. The owner of the server on which the POS system is ultimately used must therefore ensure data security. But in contrast to stationary cash registers, a cloud cash register system is much cheaper to purchase. The location of the data centres also has an influence on the security of your cloud. In the EU and Switzerland, for example, there are stricter legal security guidelines than in Asian countries.
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Paymash cloud POS system

With the Paymash cloud POS system, your data is stored on a Swiss server. This guarantees us legally compliant handling in accordance with the requirements of all EU countries. When it comes to data security, you don't have to worry about your information falling into the wrong hands or getting lost. With the highest quality standards and SSL encryption, we promise you an all-round protection programme.



Regular updates ensure a secure POS system

The cloud is only as secure as your hardware. That's why it's important that you actively maintain your end devices with updates or a security programme. We regularly update our POS software so that our customers can work with an error-free cloud POS system. If there are new functions or changes in the law that need to be adapted, we automatically provide you with an update. Thanks to updates, any security gaps in the apps are closed. In addition, there is a financial advantage. Because your cash register can be regularly equipped with new functions without you having to buy a new device.



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Touch cash register software updates-iOS-Android

A cloud POS system doesn't have to be expensive. Cloud POS system providers usually charge a monthly fee to use the service. You might think that in the long run, the cumulative monthly cost will exceed the purchase of a stationary POS system. However, one forgets the costs for support and maintenance. Most providers of traditional POS systems charge these costs as an extra expense, which in the end represents a higher investment sum. It is therefore important to take a close look at the costs and also consider the costs for support and maintenance. If you factor these points into the decision, you will see that cloud POS systems are usually cheaper than traditional POS systems or cash registers. With Paymash, support and maintenance is included in the licence cost. We also transparently disclose our pricing policy for the cloud POS system.



With a cloud POS system you can access your data quickly and from anywhere. In addition, a cloud solution is mobile and can be used on several devices at the same time. Therefore, you can also keep the investment costs low. Pay particular attention to the pricing policy of the providers, because support and maintenance costs are often charged in addition to the licences. Also find out in which country the data centre of the cloud is located. This is particularly relevant for data security. Not every region has the same strict legal requirements as the EU/Switzerland. Install the regular updates so that any security gaps can be eliminated.

At Paymash, we offer you an affordable cloud POS system that you can combine with advanced functions. You can also offer your entire product range online in a POS online shop. We provide the appropriate connection and web design. We offer monthly billing, so you can cancel monthly at any time, but with a 1 or 2 year licence you benefit more. You save up to 7 months fees.

Contact us for a free demo so we can work with you to find the right licence.