Good news for loyal customers: Paymash Webshops are now also available with a login function

Improved customer relations thanks to the option of customer accounts in Paymash Webshop System. 鉁痟igher usability 鉁痩ower drop-out rate

Active traffic to the site is good, but what's better are lots of visitors who not only look around, but also buy something. And buyers who return and become repeat customers are appreciated by online retailers the most. Because loyalty pays off. Loyal customers provide for regular sales and can also support the success of the vendor as positive opinion leaders and multipliers. To best meet the needs of this key customer group Paymash now offers a function that has already achieved widespread coverage among industry leaders: the Webshop customer login!


The procedure is well-known: customers who intend to visit the shop more often get the chance to store their data in the system just the once. This means that they spare themselves the time-consuming and nerve-wracking filling in online forms during  all subsequent purchases. An order is carried out quickly because personal details and addresses are already stored. After successful registration, they can see  the new account directly in their customer list. Changes to the profile information, such as a new shipping address, can be done at any time. Through immediate synchronization of customer profiles with the Paymash system, all data remains totally up to date! However, there is no obligation to create a customer logins at Paymash webshop. Furthermore, anyone who does not want to save data permanently on the platform can go through each step of the buying process as before. In particular, the greatly simplified purchasing process is a great advantage for mobile shopping, leading to fewer abandoned purchases.

Conclusion: The Webshop login is equally popular with buyers and sellers. It simplifies the buying process enormously for shoppers, and you benefit from higher customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and automated customer lists. Give your customers comfortable shopping with Paymash as well!