10 Ways to the perfect window display

A well-designed window display evokes attention, curiosity and emotions. Ten decorative window display tips will positively impact sales.

Will I enter this business? Or would I prefer to go on to the next store? A well-decorated window display arouses emotions, attention, interest and curiosity. Equally, an appealing decoration in a travel agency evokes the desire to travel for summer, sun and sea. Whether it's a butcher, florist, pharmacy or hairdresser, the window display decoration should not only be the subject for a company anniversary or Christmas. Properly staged, it serves to increase sales for the business.  

Ten tips for a window display decoration Paymash

1 - Less is more: The staging of what's on offer is crucial. Care must be taken to provide a representative selection of the products. Take care, please, not to over-decorate. A successful external presentation fits perfectly to the desired store image and the target group.

2 - Small budget, big impact: The concept of the display window need not be expensive. Carefully selected and individual props are eye-catching: Hidden treasures can be found in thrift shops and antique flea markets. Nature can also provide a variety of things: fresh flowers, dried leaves or branches.

3 - Light is a draw: Good decoration without adequate light is love's labor lost. Warm light evokes emotions, is welcoming and provides atmosphere. Pointed spotlights illuminate highlights profitably. The smaller the window, the more attention should be paid to bright colors and illumination.

4 - Rise window: Seasonal events and major sports events as an opportunity for a decorative idea: Christmas, Easter, discount promotion or the start of school provide plenty of inspiration. At Macy's, the largest department store in New York, a whole team works for an entire year to achieve the perfect Christmas display windows.

5 - Accounting:  Books should be kept, and not only for revenues. When was there a special customer rush? Can conclusions be drawn based on the decorations? This also helps individually maintain an overview of the design so as to avoid repetitions.

6 - Display windows should change: the decoration should be redesigned every four weeks. This way, there is always something new for the customer to discover. Because tastes obviously differ. 

7 - Looking into the shop interior: The window display should be friendly and welcoming. The ability to look directly into the business premises reduces inhibitions. This means: placing partitions in ideal locations. 

8 - Communicate prices openly: If a potential customer likes something, he or she would like to know if it fits his or her budget before entering the store. Display tags openly in the window. 

9 - Have what you promise: A window display set-up evokes curiosity. The customer also expects to see the advertised products in the store. Accordingly, a high demand can be expected for highlighted products. In order not to avoid having customers standing in front empty shelves, stock can easily be checked with an inventory list

10 - Display highlights prominently at eye level: Since display windows are perceived in passing, highlights should be placed at eye level. This will win over the eyes and hearts of passers-by: it is clear and can be detected quickly. Displaying products in the line of sight of passers-by is important, especially if a story is being told: it should move along, from top left to bottom right. The adventurous tour across the Alps in the display window of a cycling business should observe this rule of thumb.


Conclusion: The window display is the calling card of the business. A platform where one presents oneself, and the offer. An unusual and well-considered window display decoration will prove a hit with customers. These ten tips from Paymash will not only awaken the interest and curiosity of the customer. It will entice them into the store and drive sales.