Simple daily bookkeeping with the Paymash POS system

Paymash captures the daily revenue of the business in an overview. You get statistics and reports quickly and accurately.

Previously you still had to keep a manual cashbook. Then as now, a daily cash settlement condition is neccessary for a reliable monthly statement. Because of this, electronic POS systems are a practical solution. Business life is often busy: a large number of products are exchanged every day by retail owners and so bare coins wander into the corporate coffers. 

Bookkeeping with Paymash POS

This was a horror at the end of the day with a manual cashbook. You could have, for example, calculated the change wrong and thus not have enough money in the till. But the Paymash POS system automatically anticipates this, helping to offset the cash position at the end of the day with ease. Paymash simplifies the sales process and provides an overview of sales statistics and valuable analysis which are automatically detected and displayed, including the turnover of all payment methods in the system.

This is a benefit for many industries: Especially at lunch time for a busy restaurant business Since you can't count each serving of pasta sold. There is simply no time. This task is done in the background of the Paymash cashier app. It's practical: The current day's sales can be called up. At the end of the day, business owners and operators can comfortably see, in black and white, just how many plates of pasta or cups of espresso were consumed. Other retailers get an overview of how many screws, furniture accessories or cosmetics products have gone over the counter. The entire history can also be retroactively accessed online anytime. So florists can compare their sales of the last Mother's Day. Another useful bonus is inventory management. All products sold are automatically posted and updated in the inventory accordingly. So at the end of the day you can see what products were sold and must be reordered.

Conclusion: With the Paymash POS system, closing cash accounts can be done quickly and safely, with a perfect overview of all the day's takings. More filters allow for accurate evaluations and reports. And so your rush hour can be turned into a relaxed evening.